Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner takes its name from the alter-ego of comic book superhero The Hulk, and it receives this name for good reason as it is quite a powerful strain.


About Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner takes its name from the alter-ego of comic book superhero the Hulk, and it receives this name for good reason as it is quite a powerful strain, with the Bruce Banner #3 variant reaching nearly 30% THC content.

Bruce Banner has more going for it than a clever name and high THC content, however. This sativa dominant hybrid strain packs quite a punch with a great balance between the Sativa and Indica effects. The taste of the strain is a pungent citrus, and compared to the strain's smell, its taste is considerably earthier and less sweet.

Bruce Banner buds are dense, rich in THC content. The effects emerge swiftly and in strength, but the stone mellows into a creative euphoria, balancing out the punch of the initial stone.

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